
International division structure with a global structure

Question 1. One of the biggest stumbling blocks in effective communication is that intercultural sensitivity is considered necessary only for the international division." What can organizations do to institutionalize intercultural sensitivity throughout the entire organization? What can organizations do to improve communication throughout the entire organization?

Question 2. Compare and contrast an "international division" structure with a "global" structure. Which best describes a life insurance company? Explain, giving specific examples.

Question 3. It is obvious that in formulating new strategies, management may uncover a need to change its organization. Can you describe some situations where the reverse may be true?

Question 4. What measures can be utilized to control subsidiaries that are less than 100 percent owned by the firm or joint venture partners in which the firm has no ownership?

Question 5. How might an organization's structure be used to address cross-cultural issues in the organization?

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Other Management: International division structure with a global structure
Reference No:- TGS01776189

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