
International chld abuse issues

Complete the Material: Intervention Worksheet, describing the major interventions associated with child abuse, neglect, and child maltreatment. Illustrate the following:

• The international issues associated with interventions relating to the following:

• Child labour

• Slavery

• Child prostitution

o The primary interventions associated with the following:

o Child abuse

o Neglect

o Child maltreatment

• The implications of these interventions on treatment and process

You must Be sure to include at least 3 references other than the textbook. Some suggested types of references/resources to look for in order to address international intervention and implication issues might include the following types:

Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act. (2003). Retrieved fromhttps://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/capta2003.pdf

Child Neglect: A Guide for Prevention, Assessment and Intervention. (2006). Retrieved fromhttps://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/neglect.pdf
Education as an Intervention Strategy to Eliminate and Prevent Child Labor: Consolidated good practices of the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC). (2014). Retrieved fromhttps://resourcecentre.savethechildren.se/library/education-intervention-strategy-eliminate-and-prevent-child-labour-consolidated-good

Levy, S., Willis, B. Child Prostitution: Global Health Burden, Research and Interventions. (2002). Retrieved fromhttps://www.popcenter.org/problems/trafficked_women/PDFs/Willis&Levy_2002.pdf

Prevention of Child Maltreatment (2015). Retrieved fromhttps://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/activities/child_maltreatment

Rodgers, J., Rodgers, M. Prevention, Education and Intervention Strategies in Combating Human Trafficking: Collaborative Efforts Producing Sustainable Action. (2008). Orlando, Fl. Retrieved from https://www.nacsw.org/Publications/Proceedings2008/RodgersJPrevention.pdf

In addition, you might go to the University Library and under Social Sciences/Journals search for "International Chld Abuse Issues".

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