
International business communications

Question 1:

a) State and in brief describe the main four objectives of communication.
b) Explain the phases used in the planning of message.

Question 2:

a) Comment on WHY it is significant to have good listening skills.
b) Choose and elucidate any five aids to good listening.

Question 3: Body Language can convey both positive and negative messages. By using your knowledge of body language and business illustrations describe this statement.

Question 4:

a) Define the term agenda in the context of a formal business meeting and draw up a formal meeting agenda.
b) Comment on the role of secretary in respect of a formal meeting.

Question 5: Write short notes on the drafting of a business report under the given headings:

a) Introduction
b) Body of the report
c) Conclusions and recommendations
d) Summary

Question 6: You have been offered an interview for a job. Describe how you might prepare before the interview to give you the best chance of success.

Question 7: Electronic mail (email) is used global as a form of business communication. Comment on both the benefits and the problems of using email as a tool for the business communication.

Question 8: Use an illustration to explain the business uses of the given visual presentation aids:

a) Simple bar chart
b) Pie chart
c) Line graph
d) Pictorial chart

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Business Management: International business communications
Reference No:- TGS04326

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