
International and humanitarian disaster management

International and Humanitarian Disaster Management Course description: International and humanitarian disaster management has steadily evolved over decades. The increased emphasis on global disaster preparedness from both governmental and private sectors has widespread application across all borders. Through the exploration of disaster models, public health principles, economic, social and political elements, students will explore the application of the disaster cycle.

The assignment of this week includes two questions that you will answer BUT please be guided by the following instructions (VERY IMPORTANT) the topic of this week is: Disaster Risk Reduction

1- Please answer both questions using ONLY THREE references.

2- The reading assignments of this week, which might be considered is (IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CHECK OUT THIS LIKE TO GET AN IDEA OF BOTH QUESTIONS OF THIS WEEK): Hyogo Framework for action – https://www.unisdr.org/we/coordinate/hfa



FEMA Whole community https://www.unisdr.org/we/coordinate/hfa

3- Make sure please to cover all the parts of both questions.

4-There are two question and one page, so it should be rich and cover both question very well, which needs a professional writer like you to do.

5- The two questions of the week are:

a) How does the FEMA Whole Community concept relate to Disaster Risk Reduction?

b) What personal or organizational application of disaster risk reduction have you done?(self reflection).

• For the second question you can use my experience background background to answer this question and how I teach the student of Prince Sultan for EMS in Riyadh the principles of risk reduction when we did some labs and participate in some large hospital in Saudi Arabia like King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Red Crescent and how we were dealing with some hard incidents and involved in real cases. Please find the attached to add what you see important in express that in a professional way

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Other Management: International and humanitarian disaster management
Reference No:- TGS01431169

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