
Internal staffing focuses on the talents and capabilities

First post

From internal staffing focus and external staffing focus have different costs and benefit, first of all internal staffing focus costs is very low, there is conducive to encouraging internal staff, internal staff of the enterprise products and processes better understanding in a very short time to enter the working conditions, the disadvantage is that the plant will involve internal promotion human, easily cheat. Internal promotion may lead to internal staff disunity, leading to the development of the entire company is difficult, I remember from my last semester or the previous term management courses to learn the most important thing is the team, so that a company Although internal conflict is inevitable, but still want to try to make the company less friction. on other side, external staffing focus allows the company to get fresh talent, because external staffing focus has a lot of types, so we can learn more about management and management experience, the disadvantage is: high costs, then new to staff can not quickly adapt to the working environment and operational capacity may not be so suitable for the job, or to know enough about the staff could not find a qualified staff, i think those two situation have belong to itself advantage and disadvantage, I think we what they should be integrated, so that probably a lot better, so the company will not be so complicated relationships, so that the company's costs are not so high, operational problems can learn from each other and exchange, so that the company's costs to a minimum, to maximize benefits.

Second post:

Internal staffing focuses on the talents and capabilities of employees who are currently employed in the organization. As a result, possible costs of an internal staffing focus include failure to introduce new ideas and inability to identify new ways of doing things. Additionally, training and development costs may be higher. Finally, the company might also miss out on hiring great talent that does not currently work for it, and these highly talented people often end up working for competitors.

An external staffing focus can help reduce costs in the long term by reducing a firm's training costs. Employees' skills may be more current because the company can hire people trained in the newest technologies and theories. External hires may also be able to see the company from a fresh perspective and have insights that improve the company's performance.

In an internal staffing focus, the company will always look to promote from within when filling open positions. An external staffing focus can generate resentment on the part of employees who are passed over for a job within the company in favor of an outsider.

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Cost Accounting: Internal staffing focuses on the talents and capabilities
Reference No:- TGS01514102

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