
Internal-external analysis of strategic management


This assignment will introduce you to two articlesfrom the field of strategic management. In addition, you will research and select one additional article. For each article, prepare a two-page application essay. Avoid summarizing the article. Instead, identify key concepts in the article that are particularlymeaningful in context of your current (or past) organization. Explain why the concepts are significant to you and how you could apply them. You can also make application to the Capstone simulation.

Formatting requirements:

1. 12 point font, 1-inch margins.

2. Name, date, and article citation at the top of the paper; use APA style for article citation.

3. Double space, indent beginning of each paragraph; two pages (about 500 words)

The student essay on the following page provides an example of both content and format. Other examples are posted on D2L in the Articlesfolder under Assignments.

The following two articles are required. They are available in PDF form on D2L in theAssignments / Articles folder. Note the formatting below represents correct APA style.

Article One

Porter, M.E. (1996, November-December). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, 61-78.

Article Two

Kaplan, R.S., & Norton, D.P. (1996, January-February). Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system. Harvard Business Review, 75-85.

Article Three (Your Choice)

Use the followingCSU Galileo databases to research and select an article for your third application


ABI/INFORM Complete (ProQuest)

Business SourceComplete (EBSCOhost)

You may also choose from additional articles posted on D2L in the Articles folder. Select an article that is particularly relevant to you and your business situation and relate to some ofthe strategic themes in our Capstone stimulation and class lectures, such as vision/mission, leadership, internal/external analysis, or tactics. The article must be substantial and scholarly, similar in length and quality to thetwo required articles. If you select an article that is not posted on D2L, include a copy of the article withyour essay. Be sure to use the correct APA style in referencing your article (see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ and the link APA Formatting and Style Guide for help)Example PaperPercy Jernigan January 31, 2009

Porter, M.E. (1996, November-December). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, 61-78.Michael Porter identifiestwo strategic principles that relate to my former organization, Indymac Bank: positioning, and fit. Indymac wasfounded on the concept of providing residential loans to previously underserved borrowers. These borrowers were self-employed, yet had substantial liquid assets and excellent creditscores that made these loans valuable assets. Indymac's model wasto sell these mortgages in the secondarymortgage backed securitiesmarket or hold them in their own portfolio as an appreciable asset. This approach was the company's strategic positioning asit performed different activities from its rivals. Because these loans usually required large down payments and substantial assets, the company had no problem holding them on their books. The company practiced a variety-based position as itspecialized in a particular customer segment and allowed otherlenders to concentrate on the other parts ofthe mortgage lending market.

With the explosion ofsub-prime lending and the large margins that accompanied it, Indymac's focus shifted, and the company adjusted its focus to the large returns from the subprime loans. The company's "straddle strategy" contributed to its downfall. The company did not position itself for the trade-offs ofrepositioning the strategy. We began to produce more loans that were of lower quality. The trade-off of high risk, high return sub-prime adjusted the company's strategy to one that was not sustainable. Strategy is about combining activities that complement each other. The lenient underwriting standards ofthe sub-prime deals carried over to the standards for the core self-employed borrowers. The company lowered the standards forboth to the point that the line between them became skewed. If the additional activity takes away from the activity of the core strategy, both activities suffer.

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Strategic Management: Internal-external analysis of strategic management
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