Question 1) Answer all the questions:
i) Briefly explain FAT file system?
ii) What is windows explorer?
iii) How to insert, delete & hide any slide in power point?
iv) What do you understand by auto text?
v) Differentiate between worksheet & workbook?
Question 2) Describe the internal and external commands in DOS.
Question 3) Explain all the available tools in MS Word?
Question 4) Create your profile with presentation using power point 2007.
Question 5) Answer all the questions:
i) What is the difference between file and directory?
ii) What is the task bar?
iii) What do you mean by Hyperlink? How insert Hyperlink in words.
iv) What is handout? Describe its creation.
v) How to use formula in MS Excel.
Question 6) What are the concepts of windows operating system? Explain the windows accessories and its element.
Question 7) Describe all the steps of mail merge in word?
Question 8) Explain the different tools in power point.