
interface binary io devices to the

Interface binary I/O devices to the microcontroller. We will continue using functions to encapsulate the low level details of the code to make programs more readable and make the code within the function reusable.

All work is to be completed on your own. You can use the Tivaware examples in the C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-1.1\examples\boards\ek-tm4c123gxl directory, the class notes, and the book for reference, but please do not discuss this project with other students. You can use the functions provided in the example code segments discussed in class and included in the framework file posted to Angel as a starting point for your code.


1. Initialize the hardware and turn off all the LEDs, motor, relay, and incandescent light.
2. Repeat the following steps:
a. Debounce switch 1 and switch 2.
b. If switch 1 is pressed, increment a counter.
c. If switch 2 is pressed, decrement a counter.
d. If both switches are pressed, clear the counter.
e. If the counter reaches zero, further presses of switch 2 are ignored.
f. If the counter reaches three, further presses of switch 1 are ignored.
g. If the counter is 0, turn everything off.
h. If the counter is 1, turn on the red LED and the motor.
i. If the counter is 2, turn on the green LED and the solenoid.
j. If the counter is 3, turn on the blue LED and the incandescent light.

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Electrical Engineering: interface binary io devices to the
Reference No:- TGS0443538

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