
Interested in how you think about this issue establish the


Interested in how you think about this issue. In your response, establish the basis for your argument with a clear foundation in what we know about fossil fuel resources. As part of your answer, you may want to consider why you think we will stop using fossil fuels, in addition to what we know about their abundance. (1-2 pages)

*I have uploaded two of the lecture slides that might have some useful info.

1. Thesis/argument - Is the main argument clearly stated, interesting, and incisive, and is it carried consistently throughout the essay? Does the thesis address the assigned topic in an insightful and appropriate way?

2. Structure - Is the structure of the essay logical? Does the argument develop progressively through the text? Are the points linked together coherently? Are the paragraphs well organized?

3. Evidence/Content - Is the content sufficient and appropriate to substantiated the arguments being made? Is the evidence presented in a way that can be easily understood?

4. Analysis - Does the essay establish how the evidence being presented supports the thesis? Does the analysis include novel insight, beyond paraphrasing prior work?

5. Sources - Are the sources well-chosen to support the argument? Are they used in more than one way? Are they cited appropriately?

6. Style - Is the writing clear, and free of typographical and grammatical errors? Is the essay a pleasure to read? Does it conform to the formatting guidelines, including the page limit?

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Dissertation: Interested in how you think about this issue establish the
Reference No:- TGS02472294

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