
Intercultural training ppt


Intercultural Training PPT

For the final project, you will create a narrated PPT slideshow that functions as a workplace training video for an employee who will be traveling and interacting with people from another culture. We will presume that the employee is American, and that they are going to do international travel and interacting with people from another culture. Your PPT slideshow should be designed to help the employee adjust his/her communication to engage in effective intercultural communication. The culture you choose should be prominent, so the research is easy to find. My students have previously been successful with the following topics: Japanese, Chinese, French, British, South African, Italian, German, Mexican, Canadian, Israeli, Middle-Eastern, and Native American. But you can pick any culture you want, just be sure there is research that you can access.

This is not a travel preparation guide, but a communication preparation guide. So do not focus on the country and what to see and do or eat in the country. Instead, focus on how the employee can be best prepared to communicate with people from your chosen culture.

1. You must read Chapters 11 and 12 and include TWO references from these chapters. This is the minimum. You are encouraged to also use references from other chapters in the book.

2. You must read and cite ONE scholarly journal article that focuses on the communication patterns of your selected culture. This must be a NEW article, one that you have not used so far in this class. Make sure the article covers communication, not just the culture in general.

3. You must cover conflict, ethics, and flexible intercultural communication.

4. You must have THREE suggestions to the employee.

5. You must submit SIX slides:

Intro Slide

Suggestion 1 slide
Suggestion 2 slide
Suggestion 3 slide
Conclusion Slide
Bibliography Slide

6. Narration must be on Slides 1-5. Narration time should run for 6-10 minutes total. It is up to you how you want to break up the narration.

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Other Subject: Intercultural training ppt
Reference No:- TGS01991604

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