
Intercultural management and multiculturalism on a domestic

Review the task then discuss the following:


You are asked to complete a research report in this course. A research report is an opportunity for you to practice and improve your research and writing skills. Plus, it allows you to review the details that others have observed and researched in the industry.
Create a report on one of the major topics listed below and incorporate at least five other related empirical studies of your choice.
Intercultural management and multiculturalism on a domestic and global scale

Diversity approaches in the workplace in the United States and the legislation surrounding it
The opportunities and challenges of managing a diverse workforce

Diversity with respect to differences such as gender, race, and nationality in a domestic and global workplace

Adaptation in an intercultural, multicultural, and multi-diverse business environment

Models of culture classifications

Business practices from cultures around the world

Approaches to culture in the workplace in the United States and globally

Diversity in a multicultural, intercultural and diverse business environment
The purpose of this research report is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of intercultural management. The report should

(a) identify the main issues in the chosen area,

(b) contain and reference new learning that has occurred,

(c) build upon class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, and

(d) present specific current and/or future applications and relevance to the typical workplace. The research report should also focus on real-life, real-time application of topics covered in this course: the uses you have seen and the uses you can envision.
The research report
Should be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page, table of contents, and references page);

Should address the topic of the report with critical thought;
Intercultural Management

Should use at least five empirical studies as references; and

Should use APA style.
Should Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism.

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Other Management: Intercultural management and multiculturalism on a domestic
Reference No:- TGS01766662

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