
Interconnections among the states of the realm are

Topic 1. South America today and tomorrow

In Chapter 5A, read carefully through the list "Ten Major Geographic Qualities of South America" at the beginning. Think about how these qualities are affecting the South American realm today and/or in the future. Each of these qualities is discussed further in the chapter.
Choose two of these "Ten Major Geographic Qualities of South America" from the list in 5A. For each, explain:

How this geographic quality having a major impact on the realm today and/or in the future? (Not just in the past) How is this quality affecting real people, places, environments, and landscapes?

Use both a) the textbook and b) current news as sources. Optionally, you can add images to illustrate.

major geographic qualities of SOUTH AMERICA

South America's physiography is dominated by the Andes Mountains in the west and the Amazon Basin in the central north. Much of the remainder is plateau country.

Almost half of the realm's area and just under half of its total population are concentrated in one country-Brazil.
South America's population remains concentrated along the continent's periphery. Most of the interior is sparsely peopled, but sections of it are now undergoing significant development.

Interconnections among the states of the realm are improving rapidly. Economic integration has become a growing force, but is still at an early stage.

Regional economic contrasts and disparities, both in the realm as a whole and within individual countries, remain strong.

Cultural pluralism prevails in almost all of the realm's countries and is often expressed regionally.

Rapid urban growth continues to mark much of the South American realm, and urbanization overall is today on a par with the levels of the United States and western Europe.

This realm contains abundant natural riches, and it has benefited in recent years from increased global demand for raw materials.

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Dissertation: Interconnections among the states of the realm are
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