
Interactional framework depicts leadership as a function of

Please highlight the best answer on each of the true or false questions - each item is worth 3 points for a total of 75 points plus an essay worth 25 points for a total of 100 points - read carefully and good luck!

1] Leadership and management complement each other and both are vital to organizational success - True or False?

2] Interactional framework depicts leadership as a function of four elements, leader, follower, situation and outcomes - True or False?

3] When making a decision, If a situation is simple, the leader's job is to ensure that proper processes are in place, follow best practices and communicate in clear and direct ways - True or False?

4] In addition to the glass ceiling, women also face another recently idenfied challenge that states they are more likely than men to be hired by an organization that is failing. This situation is known as the glass precipice - True or False?

5] Knowing what to do is not the same as knowing when, where and how to do it - True or False?

6] Formal coaching typically involves a formal assessment process and a series of one-on-one coaching sessions over a 6 - 12 month period - True or False?

7] Power, influence and influence tactics play an important role in the leadership process - True of False?

8] Values affect leadership through a cultural context within which a single attribute and behavior is regarded differentially - True or False?

9] Personality types can be used to categorize stereotypical behavioral patterns - True or False?

10] Building social capital is the leadership competency of taking action to achieve a specific outcome or set of outcomes - True or False?

11] Communication effectiveness is the degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said - True or False?

12] Individuals exhibiting assertive behavior are aggressive and assume their rights are the ones that matter most - True or False?

13] The two dimensions of the Curphy followership model are analytic thinking and engagement - True or False?

14] The Gallup 12 is 12 key questions that assess employee engagement - True or False?

15] Leaders may be able to increase employee satisfaction levels by giving followers more meaningful work and treating them fairly - True or False?

16] Collective irrationalization is a symptom of groupthink - True or False?

17] Task, boundary, norms and assistance are the four critical factors for team design - True or False?

18] The acronym "TLM" stands for "Total Leadership Model" - True or False?

19] The acronym "GDT" stands for "Globally Dispersed Teams" - True or False?

20] Objectives, criteria for success, action steps are some elements of a development plan checklist - True or False?

21] Situations vary in either complexity or strength but never both - True or False?

22] All five models of leadership contigency theory are similar in that they specify that leaders should make their behaviors contingent on certain aspects of the followers or the situation to improve leadership effectiveness - True or False?

23] Bad leadership happens when people in positions of authority use their team building skills to achieve greedy or selfish results - True or False?

24] The more personal the examples and the simpler the stories, the less likely leaders will leave an impression on team members - True or False?

25] Behaviors that are rewarded are the ones most likely to be repeated - True or False?

Identify one concept learned during this course that was new to you and recently applied by you on the job or in your personal life. Explain in depth what the concept is about, why you were drawn to it and how you are using it. Be very sure to use vocabulary and concepts from the reading and be certain your writing is business professional in style with proper spelling, sentence structure and punctuation. I have VERY HIGH expectations for this essay and anticipate a lot of thought and time will go into making it a lengthy and complete reflection of your thoughts and knowledge.


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Operation Management: Interactional framework depicts leadership as a function of
Reference No:- TGS01001982

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