
Inter industry trade and intra industry trade

Complete the assignment:

Assignment Topic

Inter Industry trade and Intra industry trade

Structure of the Research Paper :

• Introduction - which is not more than topic 300 words

• Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -2500 words

• Conclusion 300 words

What need to do:

Need to find out 6 articles from 6 different country & industry related to Inter-Industry trade and Intra industry trade.

• Comparison each countries & industries inter industry trade and intra industry trade with others according to their products & services.

That means,

6 countries & industries (Product & Services) =

Example: Country A, B, C, D, E, F)

• Compare country A=B

• Compare Country C=D

• Compare Country E=F

After that need to explain which countries & their industry do better & which country & their industry doing not so well according to inter-industry trade & intra industry trade

= (More marks for application and comments on the topic in conclusion).

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Other Management: Inter industry trade and intra industry trade
Reference No:- TGS01785019

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