
Intelligence reform act of 2004 put yourself in the place

DNI stands for Director of National Intelligence

Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 put yourself in the place of a trusted advisor to the DNI nominee. You have to help prepare that person for the confirmation hearing, and you are certain that he/she will be asked "As the DNI, what, if anything, regarding the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) do you believe should be changed?" Write a one-to-two paragraph essay (approximately 200 word) with your advice to the DNI nominee.

You must take a position and you must support/explain it. Your response cannot just be your opinion/s. If your answer is the 2004 law does not require any changes, then you still must explain why that is your position. Given the approx. 200 word guideline, I advise that if you recommend changes to the 2004 law, then limit it to one or two recommendations.

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Dissertation: Intelligence reform act of 2004 put yourself in the place
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