
Intelligence operations and le networks to be used how will

Project 3: Problem-Solving StrategiesProposed Establishment of Task Force

Project 3 Instructions and Materials

Assignment Instructions. The student is the Police Chief, top administrator. Given the previous intelligence reports (See Appendix 1 below) and proposed Gang Task Force Plan (See Appendix 2 below), the student acting as the Police Chief, will create Problem Solving

Implementation Plan. Student can add or redirect resources or use different approaches than the original plan. This Plan will be based on an Intelligence-led policing model but must include LE Problem Solving Strategies.

The Plan will include the following:

Police Problem Solving strategies to be used. Explain the strategy in relation to the situation. E.g POPS, COPS, SARA, CompStat etc

Identify the departmental and interagency resources which will be used to support the plan

Jurisdictional issues: Explain how the Gang Task Force will coordinate and operate in other jurisdictions.

Develop an organizational chart for the Gang Task Force explaining the function of each position

Identify level of experience of Gang Task Force members and other professional requirements.

Develop concept of operation.

Intelligence Operations and LE Networks to be used

How will the Gang Task Force Sharing information. With what agencies?

How will the Gang Task Force coordinate with other agencies?

How will the Gang Task Force handling of investigative records and intelligence reports?

What type of training is required for Gang Task Force members?

What will be the focus of Community outreach?

What risks will be involved and how can they be mitigated?

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Dissertation: Intelligence operations and le networks to be used how will
Reference No:- TGS02376912

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