Can you give a comprehensive summary of the passage in two paragraphs "Historically, racial differences were used to explain intellectual performance differences between groups, sparking debates around genes, race, and intelligence. Regarding race and IQ testing focusing on African American populations, one key point is that IQ scores are a reasonably good predictor of grades at school, performance at work, and many other aspects of success in life. Intelligence is not unidimensional and fixed; IQ tests accurately measure this fixed ability and are equally valid across racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. However, these premises can be refuted based on historical, sociological, psychological, and statistical evidence. The race and IQ testing results are complex and multifaceted and should be interpreted cautiously. IQ scores are influenced by various factors, including social background, class, academic achievement, and test bias, often favoring Westernized culture. It also highlights the importance of considering environmental, psychological, and sociological factors that can influence scores. These differences do not necessarily reflect inherent racial disparities in intelligence but could be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural differences, environmental factors, and the limitations of IQ tests themselves."