
Integration of the direct quote and paraphrased material

Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7): In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the paragraphs of at least two of your classmates. Please analyze and discuss the

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Integration of the direct quote and paraphrased material. Questions and concerns regarding the development of the paragraph and topic sentence.
Substantiate your ideas and suggestions with specific examples from your classmates' paragraphs and the assigned reading materials.

1. This widespread galvanization over body cameras exemplifies the human tendency, in times of tragedy, to latch on to the most readily available solution to a complex problem. (p.1796) Police wearing body cameras should be able to prevent violence and show who's right and who's wrong in any situation. However, with the recent violent acts of police officers and victims, no officers have been prosecuted. Over the next years, the procreation of police body cameras will change the decisions and actions of officers in hopes of reducing police brutality. After all they are here to protect not harm.

This topic sentence and paragraph support my thesis because in my research paper, I am arguing why police body cameras should be worn. This clearly states my position and I have credible, reasonable facts that supports.
Original source text

This widespread galvanization over body cameras exemplifies the human tendency, in times of tragedy, to latch on to the most readily available solution to a complex problem. But as the outcome of Garner's case demonstrates, even when high-quality, graphic footage is
available, officers may still not be indicted, let alone convicted.

Moreover, body cameras are a powerful - and indiscriminate - technology. Their proliferation over the next decade will inevitably change
the nature of policing in unexpected ways, quite possibly to the detriment of the citizens the cameras are intended to protect.

2. My topic sentence is there is a gender based income inequality in America, because men make more money than women while working in the same field. This form of inequality goes back for centuries, because men were taught that they provide for the household, while the women stay at home and raise the children.

In this paper I will discuss that even in this day and age women and men can have the same training and education and be of a different race for the same job but women get over looked for the job, because companies feel men are stronger and can hold it to together better, and women are emotional creatures and would not be able to prioritize work and home.

According to the article The Simple Truth About The Gender Pay Gap. By: Catherine Hill "urges companies to conduct salary audits to proactively monitor and address gender based pay differences". Hill (2016)

Another article On Equal Pay Day By: Eileen Pattern supports my topic because it states "more women were more likely to say they had taken a career interruption to care for their family". Pattern (2015)

When will America realize that women are just as qualified, hardworking, and focused as men, and should be compensated with the same pay and respected for it.

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