Assignment task:
You will design a student task that integrates at least one educational technology tool. You may reference the running list of educational technologies. Please take this opportunity to make something meaningful. Design a task you could use with your current students (or future students). The following examples are only suggestions; do not let the examples limit your creativity.
Student Station/Center Task Cards using Google Slides
Evidence of Cooperative Learning using Padlet
Note Making using Google Keep
Facilitating a Number Talk or Literacy Circle using Zoom with a Virtual Whiteboard
Students Collaborate to make a Project Rubric using a Rubric Maker.
Explore this document for additional examples to consider
Here is what you will submit to iLearn as a combined PDF, Word document, or Google Doc:
Your responses to all the designing questions found on the following page.
A copy of your task's directions (this can be accomplished by inserting text, a Word document, linking a video you recorded, or screenshot, etc.). The important thing is, I should be able to understand what your students are being asked to do after reading your task directions.
Insert screenshots/pictures of a sample product as a result of completing your student task. A sample product can be authentic from a current student of yours, or you may create a mock example to fulfill this assignment requirement.