
Integrated design experience project aromatics from shale

Integrated Design Experience Project Aromatics from Shale Gas Transport Phenomena

Your job is to design heat exchanger C1 for the process to produce aromatics from shale gas. Details of the process have been given in the handouts in CHE 300. Please use the stream and units numbers as shown in the process diagram for CHE 300. Use SI units.

The stream flow rates are given in Table 1.

The reactor effluent, stream S3, is at 550oC. The function of C1 is to cool this stream to 185°C (S4). The cooling medium is water at 18°C at 1 bar. Your design should include the following:

  • Design type (Design based on shell and tube. Number of passes? Material in each side?)
  • Tube specifications (size, gauge, material), number of tubes, length
  • Flow rate of utility stream and outlet condition.

Be as precise in your calculations as possible. If you do calculations by hand, or via spreadsheet, integrate energy balances using Cp(T), where available; interpolate to obtain physical properties at correct temperatures. You may also use Aspen.

Then, you should calculate the cost of the heat exchanger. Calculate the purchase cost of a shell and tube heat exchanger using the method given by Seider, Seader, Lewin, and Widagdo: where Fp, FL, and Fm equal 1.

Table 1: Material Balances. Molar flow rates in (mol/s), of scaled process

Stream No.

H2 (H)

CH4 (M)

Ethane (E)

Ethylene (Y)

Benzene (B)

Toluene (T)

Xylene (X)

Propane (P)

Propylene (L)

C9 arimatics (A)

S3, S4











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Other Engineering: Integrated design experience project aromatics from shale
Reference No:- TGS01668513

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