
Integral part of the learning process

Discuss the folllowing:

The discussion board which is sometimes referred to as a threaded discussion is an integral part of the learning process here at the University.Discussion questions are designed to challenge your analytical and critical thinking skills in regards to a specific learning objective. The learning objective is a fundamental element that you, the student should leave the course understanding and be able to comprehend, apply, and synthesize within previous, current, or future situations or circumstances related to the learning objective.
To facilitate a better dialogue between you, your peers, and your instructor, we will be make use of a strategic process entitled “Get In the Zone.” To “Get In the Zone” each of you will be assigned a particular role. The roles identified only apply to your peer exchange/secondary responses, and dialogue with your instructor. Each student will still be required to post the initial/primary discussion response with a through and academically supported response. A list of the roles and what you must be doing is listed below.
Zone 1: Questioner: The questioner’s role in the discussion is to “question” how the week’s discussion question relates to other academic concepts, current events, or workplace tasks/processes. In this role, you will be providing a response that meets/exceeds the minimum participation expectation with a focus on building the discussion beyond the information presented. You will seek to make use of additional course concepts and theory to support your line of questioning. When serving in this role, you have to do more than just ask additional questions that support building the discussion. You must be producing an outcome that provides some perspective and academic synthesis building up to or incorporating your questions.

Zone 2: Nay-Sayer: The Nay-Sayer’s role in the discussion is to “disagree” with a perspective presented in the discussion. To be clear, you should not be disagreeing just to provide a response. Your disagreement should be grounded by an alternative perspective that supports your disagreement. Your role for the week is to challenge the comprehension of something a peer or I have stated by providing a reason for your challenge/disagreement, and then support your claim. This can be done by providing an alternative example of something you have experienced (if applicable), and linking it to additional academic concepts covered in the week or course material. Being able to link previous weeks’ content to active week learning is a sign of high engagement and productive learning.

Zone 3: Yea-Sayer: The Yea-Sayer’s role in the discussion is to “agree” with a perspective presented in the discussion. When serving in this role within the weekly discussion, you have to do more than just agree with something stated. You should support your agreement through the use of an applicable example. The example can come from your professional experience (if applicable), or you can source an article about a person, place, organization (whatever applicable) and discuss how the example links to and encompasses the learning as it is being discussed in the discussion.
Zone 4: Explainer: The explainer’s role in the discussion is to make a situation, problem, or idea extremely clear through evidence-based application of the material being covered in the course for that week. In this role, things like statistics, charts, and detailed success stories are extremely important to your success. To execute this role, you are providing an analysis within your response that seeks to expound on the learning and help everyone understand the material as you understand it. Again, supporting your efforts is the most effective way to achieve success in this role. The goal is to ensure your facts are correct before you post. If you have some trouble, I will redirect you to ensure the discussion stays on track.

This week I need three responses as ZONE 1

1.)    Peer 1- Marie
Human Resources are an important part of recruitment of new employees for the companies open positions or newly added newm positions. Human resources trains and orients new employees and trains new employees on the companies policies and procedures. Human Resources also verifies past employment, checks references, criminal back- round checks if applicable.  From my experience they handle most disputes; depending on the company they may handle the dispute from start to finish and or be a part of the team to handle the dispute; the supervisor of the employee maybe a part of that. Human resources does so much more in today’s market to assist the company in growth and retention.

Companies can copy for example prices but, they can’t copy your employee knowledge and or your employees ideas, they can’t copy your company culture and values of your company and or your employees, I believe companies in the past have tried to copy but, were not very successful; I’ve also seen that in my travels.  As a company you should take your employees and develop something unique with your employees and that can’t be copied.

Most companies have a mission statement; I work in healthcare and every company Ive worked for had a mission and vision statement and as a potential employee I wanted to read their mission and vision statement to see if I had the same mission and vision of the the company I was going to work for and the company wanted you to have that as well.  The mission statement is the purpose of the company, the vision statement describes the companies purpose and their values and what they are achieving.

2.)    Peer 2- Crystal
Human resource management has become an essential element of most organizations today. Developing a detailed understanding of human resource management equips a potential manger with the ability to manage human capital in the most effective way. Human resources plays an important role in developing a company's strategy as well as handling the employee centered activities of an organization. (Mayhew, 2016) A few of the strategies that HR may develop are budget control, conflict resolution, training and development, employee satisfaction, and performance improvement. (Mayhew, 2016)

Competitive advantage is the ability to sustain profits that exceed the average for the industry through developing distinctive competencies: distinctive, because the competitors don't have them and are difficult to replicate. (Berry, 2015) People are the driving force behind innovation in an organization. An organization's people create cutting edge ways for a firm to set itself apart from the competition, develop product and intellectual property, and build a customer base. (Berry, 2015) For these reasons, people are instrumental to a firm's competitive advantage.

The purpose of strategic planning is to develop procedures for making decisions about the organization's long term goals. Strategic planning helps an organization position itself against its competitors. The advantages of this are that the organization will ensure its long term survival, create value, and drive growth. (Snell, 2015)

A mission statement is a basic or generalized statement of the purpose of the organization's existence. The vision statement gives a more focused and clear definition of the company's current and future goals. Both of these statements give the organization direction and gives those with the responsibility of strategic planning a solid foundation on which to develop the best possible practices.

Mayhew, Ruth. (nd) Ten Reasons Why the Human Resources Department is Important. Retrieved from smallbusiness.chron.com/ten-reasons-human-resources-department-important-25554.html

Berry, John. (2015, April) Achieving Competitive Advantage Through People: A Practical Model of How to Underpinned by Theory. Retrieved from https://www.timelesstime,co.uk/white-paper/competitive-advantage-through-people/

Snell, Scott. (2015) Managing Human Resources. [VitalSource Bookshelf version].

3.) Peer 3-Taeya
Human resource management is defined as a  term that is used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within a particular organization, which falls into three different major areas including, staffing, employee ccompensation and benefits, and defining or designing work (www.inc.com). It is necessary to understand and study this when it comes wanting to know how the business world works a company will not even be able to start if it does not have the correct staff on the team. Also that staff deserves the proper compensation for all of their hard work, and finally designing what the company will do is extremely important. People are one of the company's biggest assets; when you have the right customer friendly people on the team, that other companies do not have makes people want to come back! When you have a plan the majority of the time, things tend to work out better, this way you are organized, and ready to tackle the business world. A mission statement gives the business a meaning, and shows the world what that particular business stands for, and what they are trying to achieve, and also what they plan to help you with.

Human Resource Managment. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2016, from


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