
insulin promotes fat synthesis and storage

Insulin promotes fat synthesis and storage. Insulin transports fatty acids in the liver cells and then these are transported from the liver by blood to the adipose cells and are stored there. Insulin discourages breakdown of fat to fatty acids and use of fatty acids for energy metabolism.

Effects of Insulin on protein metabolism

Insulin also promotes protein synthesis and storage in the tissues. Insulin also discourages breakdown of protein to amino acids. In this we we can say that insulin is essential for the metabolism of the sugar in the body. Without insulin the muscles are unable to use the sugar circulating in the blood and do not get energy.

Sugar in the form of glucose is used by tissues to produce energy. Normally blood sugar level is normal and excess sugar is stored in liver as glycogen. In case blood sugar is high the extra sugar is excreted by the kidneys and sugar can be detected in urine, it is known as glycosuria.

If the sugar is not utilized properly this indicates there is problem in burning up of fats and result in ketosis and ketone bodies are seen in urine.

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Biology: insulin promotes fat synthesis and storage
Reference No:- TGS0353354

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