Insulating fluid (exponential). For the 38-kV data in Table 1.1 of Chapter 3, do the following, assuming that time to breakdown has an exponential distribution.
(a) Estimate the mean time to failure.
(b) Calculate two-sided exact 95% confidence limits for the mean.
(c) Use the normal approximation to calculate such limits.
d) Calculate the corresponding estimate and limits for the failure rate.
(e) Estimate the 10th percentile. and calculate two-sided exact 95% confidence limits for it.
(f) Calculate a prediction for a single future observation.
(g) Calculate an upper 90% prediction limit for a single future ob-servation
(h) Calculate the sample size needed so that the estimate is withn a factor f= I .5 of the true mean.
(i) Repeat (a) through (h) for data from other voltages in Table 1.1
(j) Plot the data on Weibull probability paper, plot the fitted exponential distribution, and assess the assumption of an exponential distribution.