Insulating fluid (exponential). Analyze the 25-kV data on time to breakdown of an insulating fluid in Table 2.1 of Chapter 7. Assume that the distribution is exponential
Make a Weibull plot of the data, graphically fit an exponential distribution to the plotted data, and estimate the distribution mean. Does the plot look satisfactory?
Calculate the ML estimate of the mean.
Calculate two-sided 95% confidence limits for the mean based on the normal approximation.
Do (c), based on the chi-square approximation.
Calculate the ML estimate of the 10th percentile and two-sided 95% confidence limits bases on the chi-square approximation
(a) Using (d) and (e), plot the ML estimate of the cumulative distribution function and its 95% confidence limits on the Weibull plot from (a).
(b) Repeat (a) through (f) for data from other test voltages.
Table 2.1