1. Instrumental Conditioning attributes learning to:
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Pairing of an originally-neutral stimulus with a normally response-invoking stimulus.
All of the above
Only two of the above
2. In the discussion of measurement of perceptions, all of the following were true EXCEPT:
Although using t-tests of semantic differential scale items may determine statistical differences between brands, any attribute(s) on which two brands differ may or may NOT be relevant to a consumer.
Multi-dimensional scaling is a superior technique, because it shows relevancy of attribute dimensions to consumers.
Using only multi-dimensional scaling, both attribute relevancy, and significant differences between brands can be tested simultaneously.
The recommended order in which to use semantic differential and MDS, in testing brand perceptions, is MDS followed by semantic differential (with irrelevant attributes not tested between brands).
All of the above were true, as discussed in the lecture.