
instructionsdownload the 2011 annual report for


Download the 2011 Annual Report for Marks and Spencer PLC, from the link provided on Study Space. Review the Annual Report, paying particular attention to the Financial Statements included therein. 

1.  Analyse and comment on the Financial Performance of the Company using Ratio Analysis. Use whichever ratios you deem relevant for this purpose, including profitability, efficiency, liquidity, financial gearing, and Investment ratios.   Your commentary should include a comparison of the ratios for the previous year, together with a conclusion on the company's   financial performance.   Please include all detailed ratio calculations in an Appendix.

2.  Outline the main limitations of Ratio Analysis as a basis for ascertaining financial performance.  Please use the Harvard Referencing system to reference to source material.

3.  Explain the main Accounting principles which form the basis for the preparation of financial statements. Your answers should refer to the Accounting Policies Note in the M & S financial statements reviewed above, as well as other suitable referencing to textbooks or similar material.

Assessment Strategy

This in Course assignment aims to assess the first two learning outcomes as detailed in your Module Handbook, detailed below. It represents, in total, 30% of the marks available for the whole course.  The remaining 70% are covered by way of an Examination, to be held early in January 2012.



1) apply the main conventions on which financial statements are based

Examination and Assignment

2) analyse and interpret company financial statements

Examination and Assignment

3) identify and use relevant data for decision making


4) describe and explain the use of budgeting and product costing processes.


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Financial Management: instructionsdownload the 2011 annual report for
Reference No:- TGS0211264

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