
instructions you have to design a doubly linked

Instructions :

  • You have to design a doubly linked list container.
  • The necessary classes and their declarations are given below
  • The main() function for testing the your design is also given below. The outputs form each of the output statements are provided in the text box for your comparison.
  • So complete the program by supplying your implementations of the member functions. Some are already implemented, use as it is.

// List . h


class List;


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const List& l);


class Link;


class ListIterator;


class List{

            friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const List& l);


typedef ListIterator Iterator;

List() : first_(0), last_(0) {};

List(const List & other);                    // copy constructor

~List();                                                  // destructor

List & operator = (const List & rhs);  // assignment operator

T& front() const;                                                // returns the front element

void push_front(const T& e);                  // adds from front

void pop_front();                                               // deletes from front

T& back() const;                                                // returns the last element

void push_back(const T& e);                 // adds from back

void pop_back();                                               // deletes the last element

void clear();                                                       // emptied by deleting all elements in it

bool empty() const;                                           // return true if list id empty

int size() const;                                      // returns the no. of elements

Iterator begin();

Iterator end();

Iterator insert(Iterator& itr, const T& val);

void insert(Iterator& itr, int n, const T& val);

void erase(Iterator& itr);

void erase(Iterator& start, Iterator& stop);


void copy(const List & other);                      // private utility only, users use =

Node* first;                                     // points to first node

Node* last;                                      // points to last node



std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const List& lst){

            os<<"f[ ";

            Link *pp = lst.first_; //cursor to lst

            while(pp != 0){

                        if(pp != lst.first_)os<<", ";

                                    os<< pp->elem_;

                        pp = pp->next_;


            os<<" ]b"<

            return os;



template                                 //  implements the node of a doubly linked list

class Node{

                        friend class List;

                        friend class ListIterator;

                        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const List& l);


                        Node(const T& e) : elem_(e), next_(0), prev_(0){} // constrructor

                        T elem_;                        // element value

                        Node* next; //  pointer to next element in the list

                        Node* prev; //  pointer to the previous element in the list


template                                 // implements a iterator for the list class

class ListIterator{

                        friend class List;

                        typedef ListIterator Iterator;


                        ListIterator(List* list = 0, Link* ccNode = 0) : list_(list), cNode(ccNode) {}

                        T& operator *(){

                                    //  returns the element value of the node pointed by the iterator


                        bool operator == (Iterator rhs){

                                    // returns true  if this integrator and itertrator rhs are pointing to same node                                  }

                        bool operator != (Iterator rhs){

                                    // returns false if this integrator and itertrator rhs are pointing to same node        


                        Iterator& operator ++ (int){

                                    // advance the iterator to the right


                        Iterator operator ++ (){

                                    // postfix version


                        Iterator& operator -- (int){

                                    // backward the iterator by one position to the left


                        Iterator operator -- (){

                                    // postfix  version



                        List* list;                  // pointer to current doubly linked list object

                        Node* cNode;         // pointer to the node in the doubly linked list


// Main driver program

#include "List.h"



using namespace std;


typedef List ListD;

typedef List ListI;

typedef List ListS;

int main(){

            ListD    x;

            x.push_front(4.4); x.push_front(3.3); x.push_front(2.2); x.push_front(1.1);


            ListD y(x);

            ListD z = x;

            // output is shown in the text box 1

            cout<< "x.front = "<< x.front()<< endl;   

            cout<< "List x ="<

            cout<< "x.size() ="<< x.size()<< endl;


                        cout<< x.front()<< endl;



           cout<< "x.size() now = "<< x.size()<< endl;

            cout<< "List y ="<

            cout<< y<< endl;

            cout<< "List z ="<

            cout<< z<< endl;

            ListD v;

            v = y;


                        // output is show in the text box  2

             cout<< "List v (v = y; v.pop_front();) ="<

            cout<< v<< endl;

            ListI li;

            li.push_front(3); li.push_front(2); li.push_front(1);

                        // output is show in the text box 3

            cout<< "List li via operator <<"<

            cout<< li<< endl;



                        // output is show in the text box 4

            cout<< "li.push_back(22), li.push_back(33)"<< endl;

            cout<< li<< endl;

            cout<< "back(), pop.back()"<< endl;


                        cout<< li.back()<< endl;



           ListS ls;




            cout<< ls<< endl;          // output is show in the text box 5

            ListI c5;

            for(uint i = 0; i< 5; ++i){


                        cout<< "c5.push_back(i = "<< i<< "): "<< c5;  // output is show in the text box6


           cout<< "using Iterator"<< endl;   // output is show in the text box 7                   

            ListI::Iterator itr = c5.begin();

            ListI::Iterator itrb = c5.begin();

            ListI::Iterator itre = c5.end();

            if(itr == itrb)       cout<< "itr == itrb"<< endl;

            else cout<< "itr != itrb"<< endl;

            if(itr != itrb)        cout<< "itr != itrb"<< endl;

            else cout<< "itr == itrb"<< endl;

            ListI::Iterator it;

            for(it = c5.begin(); it != c5.end(); ++it){

                        cout<< *it<< ' ';             // output is show in the text box 7


            // output is show in the text box 8

            cout<< "ListI::Iterator itr2 = c5.begin(), ++, ++ "<< endl;

            cout<< "c5.insert(itr2, 5, 33) "<< endl;

            ListI::Iterator itr2 = c5.begin();

            itr2++; itr2++;

            c5.insert(itr2, 5, 33);

            cout<< c5;

            return 0;


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Computer Engineering: instructions you have to design a doubly linked
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