Assignment - Write 2000 words report plus data about Mergers and Acquisitions.
Instructions: Need to do an academic report of mergers and acquisitions. A study on impact of consolidation on shareholders' wealth.
- specific
- overall
- time frame
Date search:
- AXS data for pricing pre and past mergers.
Application of model for analysis
Table of content:
1. Introduction: You need to write about recent trend in M&A in Australia. You should write reasons and impacts of this trends.
2. Theoretical back ground (Mergers and acquisitions):
- conceptual foundation
- motives of M&A
- major challenges
- Legal environment in Australia
3. Objective and Methodology
Objective: Evaluating short term impact of M&A on shareholders wealth
4. Scope of project report: identifies boundaries of your project in which you will work
5. Analysis: Based on the data collection
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendix.
Date collection requirements:
1. Select 10 M&A in australia in 2017 (ASX listed)
2. in Each of these 10 acquiring Organisation , you need to collect:
i) date of announcement?
ii) date of acquiring?
iii) collect share price from 1 month prior to announcement date to 1 month after acquisition date.