
Instructions and background this assignment requires

Instructions and Background This assignment requires students to identify, discuss and evaluate potential data collection, analysis and reporting strategies for dealing with small sample data. Research Scenario The intended research design was a Randomised Control Trial involving control, experimental and placebo conditions. The participants were drawn from a clinical sample. Recruitment was relatively successful and the initial sample comprised thirty cases in each condition. The research design incorporated pre-test, post-test and follow-up data collections. Between pre-test and post-test participants in the experimental condition received six sessions of a targeted therapeutic intervention, those in the placebo condition received six sessions of non-specific counselling and those in the control condition remained on a wait list, receiving no intervention of any sort. Follow-up data collection occurred three months after the post-test data collection. However, as the study progressed, the three conditions experienced differential participant retention rates. At the end of the planned data collection period, the amount of data collected is shown in the following matrix: Condition Pre-test n Post-test n Follow-up n Control 30 25 16 Placebo 30 12 8 Experimental 30 15 6 Assessment Task Your task is to generate creative alternatives for analysing and reporting the data obtained in the above scenario. To undertake this task you will need to consult the literature on small sample size research and devise creative solutions to this problem. Your discussion should also take into account the implications small, medium and large expected effect sizes. You will need to demonstrate the ability to access, critique and implement methodological strategies relevant to clinical research, and the ability to present, compare and contrast such methodologies in a cogent manner via scholarly writing. Assume that a limited amount of additional time and resources are potentially available for additional data collection but that the research must be completed within a set timeframe. You should include:

(i) an assessment of several hypothetical scenarios relating to different possible effect sizes, given the above table of sample sizes across the between and within conditions (i.e. a Power analysis);

(ii) at least two potential changes to the experimental design, including different methodologies, that would maximise the utility of the data collected and the available participant pool or provide an alternative approach to the researcher's interest in the effectiveness and client-related experience of the intervention; and any statistical or other analytical procedures that could accommodate the data as presented. You must also discuss the practicalities, pros and cons of each potential strategy that you propose and come to a conclusion regarding the most plausible and effective strategy in this instance. You can suggest any potential strategy provided it is not unethical. As an additional requirement, provide any ethical considerations relevant to the potential use of (each) alternative methodologies.

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Basic Statistics: Instructions and background this assignment requires
Reference No:- TGS01243531

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