
Instruction to positively impact students

Discuss the following:

1. According Eileen Ferrance (2000) in Themes in education: Action research, action research "involves people working to improve their skills, techniques, and strategies. Action research is not about learning why we do certain things, but rather how we can do things better. It is about how we can change our instruction to impact students" (p. 9). Considering this perspective as well as the information of Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, what factors bring value to action research, differentiating it from traditional educational research? Include at least three factors that are beneficial or lend credibility.

2. Ferrance (2000) adds, "One of the drawbacks of individual research is that it may not be shared with others unless the teacher chooses to present findings at a faculty meeting, make a formal presentation at a conference, or submit written material to a listserv, journal, or newsletter". Considering that your Final project will be an action research proposal presentation, how will this lead you to improve your practice and make changes to instruction to positively impact students?

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Other Subject: Instruction to positively impact students
Reference No:- TGS01783632

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