
Institutionalization of agency policy

Discuss the below:

Option A. Movie/Program Review

1. General requirements:

a.Cover page (Student's Name, Date of Submission, Course-Section, Jurisdiction and focus/topic of the decree.

b.Minimum of 4, double spaced pages (12 font) of narrative text, not including the cover, graphics or references list.

c.Reference list citing sources, using APA citation format. A minimum of 2 sources should be obtained from the UMUC library resources. In addition to the textbook, additional creditable, citable sources should support your assessments and/or comments.

2. From a public source (e.g.,https://www.youtube.com, Blockbuster, Amazon, Netflix, etc.) identify a fictional depiction of public safety operation(law enforcement, corrections, community-based supervision). The depiction may reflect either (a) an appropriate exercise of policy or procedure, and/or (b) an inappropriate exercise of policy or procedure.

3.Identify the source medium (genre and title) and describe the depicted scene(s). In detail, describe the action deemed appropriate/inappropriate and provide the basis for this determination. Describe the potential liability exposure for the principles as well as the agency and jurisdiction. Address the correction necessary and/or the appropriate reinforcement to limit legal damages.

Option B. Institutionalization of Agency Policy

1.General requirements:

a. Cover page (Student's Name, Date of Submission, Course-Section, Jurisdiction and focus/topic of the decree.

b. Minimum of4, double spaced pages (12 font) of narrative text,not including the cover, graphics or bibliography.

c.Reference list citing sources,using APA citation format. A minimum of 2 sources should be obtained from the UMUC library resources.In addition to the textbook, additional creditable, citable sources should support your assessments and/or comments.

2.Select from option (a) OR (b)
a. For a law enforcement jurisdiction with a minimum of 200 but not more than 1,000 sworn members, select one of the following policy topics:

Use of Force

Pursuit Driving

Incident Report Integrity

b.For a correctional institution with a minimum of 300 but not more than 1,000 inmates, select one of the following policy topics:

Use of Force

Intrusive body search for contraband

Cell extraction

3. With this as the policyfor your own imaginary agency, describe the steps/stages of institutionalizing that policy into the culture of your criminal justice agency. Identify the safeguards you would create to ensure each step/stage is completed and the potential consequences if adoption is not completed.

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Reference No:- TGS01855652

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