Question: Institute of Management Accountants The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) is a major professional organization geared toward managerial accounting and fi nance. The IMA has chapters throughout the United States as well as international chapters. The IMA is very concerned about ethics. Log on to , the Web site for the IMA.
1. Click on About IMA and follow the link that shows the mission statement for the IMA. What is the mission of the IMA?
2. Click on IMA Membership, then Resources and Benefits, and then on the Professional Development link. How many courses does IMA offer to enhance effectiveness on the job, satisfy CPE requirements, and advance careers of members?
3. Click on the Ethics Center & Helpline link under Resources and Publications. Follow the Learn More link under the Ethical Practices heading to the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice. Read the code and comment on its importance to management accountants.