
Insert a memory module and initial the values for memory

Use Logisim to design 8 bit CPU to perform the following.
1. Insert a memory module and initial the following values for memory address starting at 00: 12, 34, 56, 78,9A
2. Insert 4 registers called R0, R1, R2, and R3
3. Insert 6 arithmetic operations: AND (000), OR (001), XOR (010), Adder(011), Subtractor(100), and Multiplier(101)
4. Simulate your circuit design by using the following:
a. For AND operation:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Perform R0 AND R1 operation and put the result to R2
iv. Move content of R2 to M02
b. For OR operation:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Perform R OR R1 operation and put the result to R2
iv. Move content of R2 to M02
c. For XOR operation:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Perform R0 XOR R1 operation and put the result to R2
iv. Move content of R2 to M02
d. For Addition:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Add R0 and R1 and put the result to R2
iv. Move content of R3 to M02
e. For Subtraction:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Subtract R0 from R1 and put the result to R2
iv. Move content of R2 to M02
f. For Multiplier:
i. Move content of M00 to R0
ii. Move content of M01 to R1
iii. Multiple R0 and R1 and put the result to R2 (higher 8 bits)and R3 (lower 8 bits)
iv. Move content of R2 to M02 and the content of R3 to M03" 

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Operating System: Insert a memory module and initial the values for memory
Reference No:- TGS0107698

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