
input to be in the form of a string of less than

Input to be in the form of a string of less than 256 characters. Assume that this character string (record) can only be of the form:

Last Name, First Name, Box number, City, State, zip code.

The test file name, with any number of records, is C:\NameAndAddresses

Use a regular expression to remove end-of-line characters, make first letter of the first and last names, City and State a capital letter if it is lower case, and the remainder of the name changed (if necessary) to lower case. You may use simple regular expression, and process the string multiple times, or you may use a more complex one only once.

Use split(), based on the coma, to split the final string into as needed below. Then write to the screen, in tabular form:

Last Name
First Name
City, State Zip

This is known as, "cleaning up the data," for future processing. Unfortunately, when date items are inconsistent, they may cause trouble. You may use any combination of scripts you like except that the core processing (regular expressions and splitting) must be done in Perl.

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Application Programming: input to be in the form of a string of less than
Reference No:- TGS0206557

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