
Input and output devices in computer graphics

Q1. Provide four illustrations each for Input and output devices which are used in the Computer Graphics.

In brief explain the technical specification of any one of them.

Q2. How half toning is helpful in the anti-aliasing?

Q3. Write down the seed fill algorithm. How to find out seed point before running the algorithm?

Q4. Calculate rotation matrix for rotating (x, y, z) by an angle θ regarding Y-axis.

Q5. What do you mean by knot and knot vector? Why is it considered in the B-spline curves?

Q6. In brief describe the application of Union and Intersection operations in representation of solid in the Computer Graphics.

Q7. Define the term ambient light source and give formula for the intensity of ambient light at a specific point.

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Computer Graphics: Input and output devices in computer graphics
Reference No:- TGS010409

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