Industry Practicum Assessment - Academic Reflective Journal
Learning Outcomes -
a) Develop knowledge, skill and abilities acquired through prior studies and industry to the work environment
b) Appraise experiences within the specialisation sector.
Context: The assessment aims to develop your awareness of your work environment and your own contribution towards the success of the practice. Through careful reflection you will be able to analyse your work environment and your own place in it against the theories, principles and key values of successful business. The reflective practice focuses on your application of previous learning to your workplace and assists you in identifying areas for future learning.
Module 1 - What should I reflect on in Module 1?
In the introduction of each Module specific guidelines are given under the heading: Assessment Progression.
The focus for Module 1 is on the current trends and dynamics of the travel, events and hospitality sectors and the interrelationship between the industry sectors. It is necessary for your journal to reflect on how these concepts directly apply to your organisation, for instance:
- An analyses of your workplace in regard to its application of these trends
- The parallel impact the interrelationship between the industry sectors has on your specific workplace.
Be sure to read the Assessment brief carefully with special attention to the grading rubric. The rubric tells you exactly how your work will be graded and that in itself gives you direction on how to answer.
Module 2 - Reflective Journal 2
This week we started Module 2. For this Module you need to reflect on the Marketing Mix of the organisation and all its elements. When completing your journal reflection, be sure to carefully reflect on how successful these elements have been considered in your workplace, for instance:
- The components of the marketing mix
- The composition of the customer benefit package
- Where the focus products and services fall on the life cycle
- An analysis of the company's servicescape etc.
- It is important to carefully study the Learning Resources before you complete your reflection.
- Be sure to apply the theory directly to your workplace and to diligently reference your work.
- Try to use the correct terminology and academic language used in the readings when discussing the components.
Module 3 - Module 3: Organisation's Competitiveness
At the end of Week 6 your reflection on Module 3 is due. For this Module you need to reflect on the Competitiveness of the Organisation and apply the theory and principles we looked at in the content for this Module. When completing your journal reflection, be sure to carefully reflect on how these topics apply to your workplace, for instance:
- Identify the organisation's competitors
- Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Identify the organisation's core competencies
- Identify how they differentiate themselves from the competition
- Comment on your own role in this environment etc.
- It is important to carefully study the Learning Resources before you complete your reflection.
- Be sure to apply the theory directly to your workplace and to diligently reference your work. It has to be clear form your reflection that you have used the sources we studied to inform your analyses and conclusions.
- Try to use the correct terminology and academic language used in the readings when discussing the components.
Module 4 - Module 4: Organisation's Service Management
At the end of Week 8 your reflection on Module 4 is due. For this Module you need to reflect on the Service Centeredness of the Organisation. Try to apply all the components of the service encounter triad in your analyses. Be sure to apply the studied theory and principles, for instance:
- Evaluate all three service triad components
- Evaluate the service profit chain
- Note your organisation's complaint handling practice etc.
Again, here are some additional notes on good Reflection writing:
- It is important to carefully study the Learning Resources before you complete your reflection.
- Be sure to apply the theory directly to your workplace and to diligently reference your work. It has to be clear form your reflection that you have used the sources we studied to inform your analyses and conclusions.
- Try to use the correct terminology and academic language used in the readings when discussing the components.
Module 5 - Module 5: Staff Retention and Development
At the end of Week 10 your reflection on Module 5 is due. For this Module you need to reflect on how well your Organisation does in retaining and developing their staff. To do this, it is necessary to read the learning resources and apply as much of the principles and theory covered, for instance:
- Analyse the organisation's employee attraction practice
- Evaluate the methods and measure to which staff are retained
- The level of staff empowerment
- The competitiveness of the remuneration packages etc.
Again, here are some additional notes on good Reflection writing:
- It is important to carefully study the Learning Resources before you complete your reflection.
- Be sure to apply the theory directly to your workplace and to diligently reference your work. It has to be clear form your reflection that you have used the sources we studied to inform your analyses and conclusions.
- Try to use the correct terminology and academic language used in the readings when discussing the components.
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