
Innovation is more successful in small companies -

Presentation and Written Assessment

Task Description: The objective of this assignment is to build students' abilities to structure arguments based on evidence and structured reasoning, including identifies consensus methods for identifying coherent group arguments.

As a group, you can choose any one of the following debating topics. You will then need to identify what would be a good response from both sides. That is, you need to simulate what would be good arguments that the affirmative and the negative teams are likely to provide if very good debaters and had time to thoroughly research the topic. Since this will be a very challenging thing to do, each speaker only needs to speak for a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Clearly, you need to do a lot of research if taking up this option to identify what are going to be winning arguments that all the speakers from both sides could put forward. These approaches most definitely test your ability to look at a contentious issue and see both sides of the argument. Essentially, you are simulating the whole debate as a single team. You are not going up against another team. You are going up against yourselves.

Topic  - Innovation is more successful in small companies.

The first speaker on the affirmative defines the topic and the nature of the team's arguments, providing some examples

The second speaker on the affirmative identifies the differences between both teams' arguments, providing a conceptual overview and evidence/examples for why the affirmative team's arguments are superior

The third speaker on the affirmative summarises what was said, including which arguments or sources of evidence were particularly compelling/flawed, and explains why the affirmative should win

The fourth speaker on the affirmative ensure able to explain how the team researched the topic and the sources of evidence drawn upon, including found evidence that could be used to refute the opposing team's possible arguments

Presentation - 13 slides

Written assignment - 500 words

Attachment:- Formal debating guidelines.rar

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Project Management: Innovation is more successful in small companies -
Reference No:- TGS02452362

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