
Innovation-creativity and enterprise in markets

Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets:

An Individual Industry Report evaluating the role of innovation, creativity and enterprise in a particular industry sector. The report should be based on the material gathered for the wiki your group has created. The length of the report should be 1,500 words (+/- 10%).

Tourism sector: Switzerland and Malaysia (1990-2013)

A Title Page Detailing the title of the report (“An analysis of innovation, creativity and enterprise in the <your industry/industry segment;”); the name of the author of the report; the names of all members of your group; programme of study, the module title, word count and the submission date.

A Contents Page Detailing the relevant headings and sub-headings of the contents, and giving the appropriate page numbers for each section.


1 Introduction Identification of the overall objective of the report; clearly identify the industry/industry sector chosen; an overview of the report.

2 Industry analysis Contains the industry analysis component.

3 Innovation, creativity and enterprise An analysis of the principles, processes and practice regarding innovation, creativity and enterprise in your chosen industry sector. This may be spread over several sections and you would have relevant sub-headings where appropriate.

Conclusion Summarising the report and drawing together the key issues. Cyclical closure.

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Other Subject: Innovation-creativity and enterprise in markets
Reference No:- TGS01431507

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