
injury resulting from an accident accident was

Injury Resulting From an Accident

Accident was described earlier which meant that accident was a sudden event. However, several legal opinions favored exclusion of suddenness from definition of accident. In the renewed understanding the exposure to harmful substances over lengthy periods of time can reason injury or death. The injury because of such exposure may not be sudden but the victim is still injured and regarded to have met an accident. The legal opinions have even favored inclusion of psychological disturbances in the definition of accidental injury. Even heart attacks suffered through some workers have been attributed to unusual mental stresses from work and courts have awarded compensation to dependents of such victims.

Injuries need not always arise from work but those take place from employment are also included in accidents. For instance an employee moving on company transport to and from work place is entitled for compensation if meets an accident. Even a person swallowing a piece of glass and getting internal cuts throughout a lunch in company manage, cafeteria is also regarded to have met accident. Though, an employee repairing his son's bicycle during lunch hour with company's tools and getting injury is not entitled for compensation since the injury is not due to employment. Compensations laws will need classifying the injuries based upon degree and permanence of disability. It may be remembered that the legal processes keep redefining the intensity of injury and therefore the list changes continuously.

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Biology: injury resulting from an accident accident was
Reference No:- TGS0182190

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