Infrastructure protection news sources

Assignment Task:


The purpose of the Current Events Assignment is to make you familiar with Infrastructure Protection news sources and relevant stories. The overall goal of this is to remain current and well-versed on emerging Infrastructure Protection issues, and develop a better sense of the extent to which Infrastructure Protection protocols can help to identify, deter, detect, disrupt, and prepare for threats and hazards.

You are required to select, cite, and highlight a recent article from one of the below websites or other websites that you have identified as directly or indirectly involving issues related to infrastructure protection or an incident causing a cascading effect impacting security. If the issue is not related to the topic or security policy, then please select a different article. The article should not be over two years old.


To keep current on Infrastructure Protection events, you should review new material posted to the following websites or others directly related to Cybersecurity and infrastructure protection:

  • NY Times
  • Washington Post


Please provide an insightful summary of the article you selected using this outline:

Infrastructure Protection Issue/Breach: One paragraph summarizing the issue, stating why it is important, and discussing the consequences that may occur if it is not addressed. Also included in your view should be whether this issue is a matter where infrastructure security protocols can and should be used to resolve the issue, and how much of the problem (all or part?) your solution can reasonably be expected to address. You are not required to know whether or not a particular policy already exists, unless it is or has been covered by the current or previous Unit. But you should be able to tie it into something learned in class.

Recommendation: One paragraph providing your recommendation for how best to resolve the issue as a matter of infrastructure security alternatives, taking into account the possibility of competing views and priorities.

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Other Subject: Infrastructure protection news sources
Reference No:- TGS03436305

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