
Information types and sources describe the type of

Question: As senior associates of a large marketing research firm, you were assigned to complete a marketing research project for a publicly traded company (select any publicly traded company you wish to do your research on-be sure that the company is publicly traded before you proceed with your research). Form a group of up to 5 students and complete this marketing research assignment given to you by your client. You will be required to submit a typed report and to the board of directors following these guidelines:

Your report MUST include the following side headings:

1. Establish Need (explain why there is a need for marketing research and be specific in detailing the 'gap' in information that prompted you to conduct research. This research should pertain to a product or service the company sells)

2. Define the Problem (clearly define the problem that exists which requires a decision to be made. Remember this is the most important step in the entire process, so be careful with your problem definition and be specific and provide details)

3. Research Objectives(using hypotheses, indicate the objective(s) of your research and state specifically what information must be produced so a correct decision alternative is selected)

4. Research Design (which research design will you utilize to meet your research objectives? Is it exploratory, descriptive, or causal? Provide details explaining your choice and process)

5. Information Types and Sources (describe the type of information needed and the source. Will you be using primary information or secondary information? Why? How will the information be collected?)

6. Data Collection Method (determine the method(s) of collecting and accessing data needed. Detail the rationale behind your choice.

7. Questionnaire Design (for the purposes of our research assignment, you will design a questionnaire with at least ten questions. What do you intend to accomplish by including these questions? What is the relevance of your survey and the questions included? Describe the program used to analyze answers of your survey questions. Will you be using Excel, SPSS, or other programs?)

8. Sample Size and Plan (describe the population, sample plan(s), and sample size. Explain how the sample size was determined and why.

9. Collect Data(describe the data collection process and the measures you have taken to deal with issues associated with data collection, errors, and validation)

10. Analyze Data (this step requires the transfer of data collected from forms/surveys to the software program selected to test your hypotheses)

11. Report Findings and Recommendations (prepare your marketing research report and present your findings and recommendations)

• The purpose of your research is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about marketing research and the steps involved in completing such project. Approach this term project with an open mind and purpose. Provide details and be specific and make your research and report meaningful. In order to do so, you have to start working on your project early and systematically. Set the expectations, a time line, and a contingency plan as soon as you assemble your team so the quality of your work is reflected in your report.

• All group members must participate in the preparation of the written report and each section start with the group member's name who is responsible for completing that part.

• Your report must be TYPED, double-spaced, use Times New Roman size 12 font for body of report. Include a cover page (with all group members 'names, title (name of company marketing research project), date, presented to: Prof. Eshra) and a correctly formatted references page (APA) for all sources used (minimum of 5 different sources).

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Management Theories: Information types and sources describe the type of
Reference No:- TGS02564393

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