
Information provided by conducting a swot analysis

Search the internet for a research study or scholarly article on one of these three topics:

1. Rhetoric
2. Euphemisms and Dysphemisms
3. Innuendos

Conduct a case study analysis based on the criteria below:

Steps for case study analysis:

Cheung, S., Chow, P., & Yiu, T. (2009). Contingent Use of Negotiators' Tactics in Construction Dispute Negotiation. Journal of Construction Engineering & Management , 135 (6), 466-476. Retrieved June 4, 2009, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2009)135:6(46

Identify the problems specified in the case.

Evaluate the options of possible solutions presented by the authors.

Analyze the case study from the information provided by conducting a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, & threats) of the case.

What was the author's recommend solution? Do you agree or disagree with their recommendation? Why or why not?

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Other Management: Information provided by conducting a swot analysis
Reference No:- TGS01986012

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