
Information processing in terms of gender differences

He has asked me to focus on gender distinctions in information processing and usage in that women’s (in terms of gender) can be more affected with info and tech in terms of consuming branded products. He has asked me to focus on the best part that is the perfume industry. Because that sector attracts womens the most. (The topic remains the same but in methodology and other things we can take perfume industry)

How to start:-

A structure of literature review

1) Consumer behaviour (a bit of description about it)

2) A study regarding information processing in terms of gender differences. (A bit of info about information and technology)

3) Gender difference is divided in 4 divisions :( use models to explain how gender difference exist in these areas)

• Memory (have a look on goggle scholar there is a journal about it)

• Searching + information technology (information about how it is proactive between “Information and technology and Women” and also how the study leads to a passive one between” adverts and women” i.e. subliminal perception)

• Decision making that is also named as choice (all about how information processing leads to all this)

• Awareness (this also links to the 2nd subheading as above between advertising and women)
This must all be in around 7000 words with most of the links which must be of journal mean most of them want all the links with it.
In this you have to cover all the topics that have been told by him. He has asked me to take perfume industry and take female gender that has to be mostly focused.

Moving on forward

1. From the literature review he wants me to come out with the research question?
(“That needs to be ambiguous”??? Should relate to the literature on which we have worked on and should tell us what don’t we know?? Like what finding we will do to find the answer for the question)

2. Secondly this is further divided in 2 parts

• Things that i can investigate (What can I do like subjects, technology etc)

• Things that i can’t investigate

This will lead to METHODOLGY which is how are you going to do this and why is it the best.
He has explained me an example like take 5 boys and girls ask them to smell 2 perfumes each and then go back to them after 5 days and ask them to smell 6 different perfumes including the ones who offered them before when you met and just see the variation in accuracy in terms of how many mistakes boys and girls made make out the correct smell which was first offered to them. This example is just to make me clear that women’s have better power to keep things in memory then means.
Later he wants me to tell which method will i use qualitative / quantitative ( and special instructions given no theory here just tell him which method will be used and why  with the  statics

Explain the reason why????

1. How info processing made boys to store and recover things

2. And how it made girls to do so
(Discussion about both of them and then conclusion)

FOR journals he has asked me to take help of

1. Google scholar

2. Abi

3. Web of science

Or any more you have

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Other Subject: Information processing in terms of gender differences
Reference No:- TGS0944

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