
Information processing and retrieval

Question 1:

a) Explain the different standards available for Bibliographe Record formats.

b) What do you mean by ISBD? Differentiate the Bibliographe Description of Print and Non-Print Materials.

Question 2:

a) What do you mean by Library Classification? Describe the significance of General and Special categorization Schemes in a Library.

b) Define the term Thesaurus? Explain the structure, functions and construction of Thesaurus.

Question 3:

a) Describe the different methods of Information storage and Retrieval systems.

b) Examine the overview of File organization systems in Information storage and Retrieval systems.

Question 4:

a) Describe the different methods of Information Retrieval in the context of Libraries.

b) Describe the significance of different CD-ROM Databases and explain the search strategies and methods.

Question 5: Write brief notes on two of the given:

a) Data Mining and Data warehousing.
b) Library expert systems.
c) Subject Indexing.
d) Thesaurus Functions.
e) ISBD. 

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Other Subject: Information processing and retrieval
Reference No:- TGS04965

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