
information is so important that owning one could

Information is so important that owning one could be the sole deciding factor in gaining advantage or winning, may it be in academics or market share. Acquiring information is not so much of a problem because internet allows us unlimited access to the World Wide Web where information abounds almost infinitely. The challenge of today's leaders is to acquire and decide the best information from among many options and optimize this information by converting this to applied knowledge through generating action that leads toward the realization of the organizations' goals. Success in business is not only defined by who possesses the most business intelligence, but by also who can best manage it. Requirements: You are required to prepare a report covering the following:

1. Choose an appropriate organisation that would use Knowledge Management at all Levels and write a concise introduction to the Role of Knowledge Management in Business Organization.

2. Analyse how they are maintaining information and applying their Knowledge with

a) Local branches

b) National branches

c) International branches

3. Explain what are the strategies and techniques they are following in terms of Knowledge Management which is different from its competitors.

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Operation Management: information is so important that owning one could
Reference No:- TGS0219311

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