Information guide handout for the of senior it employees


Use reading assignments and conduct valid and necessary research to complete this assignment.

Social networking is one of the largest and most frequent IT Security risks at your company. The CIO wants a Microsoft® PowerPoint® Awareness presentation with an Information Guide handout for the of Senior IT employees. This presentation will be shown at all company locations.

Create a 6-slide (content-filled) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on Awareness. Include the following:

• Refer to the topics as listed in the linked Week Five Individual assignment and use which topics are appropriate for this assignment (1 point)

• Title and Reference Slides
• Adequate references to support your findings, information, and opinions
• A minimum of two outside academic references are required
• Videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate
• Substantial speaker notes to elaborate on the key points of your plan
• Audio narration within your presentation
• APA Formatting



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Other Management: Information guide handout for the of senior it employees
Reference No:- TGS01974535

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