
information distribution the organization and

INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION: The organization and management of any institution, be it an isolated lab or a large site with many labs, requires that information is managed. Methods of managing information - selecting it and distributing it to the right people - are the subject of separate study, usually under the heading of 'Information Technology'. Here we will restrict ourselves to information distribution.

Here we discussed some of the most efficient ways of managing information with the use of computers. However, if a computer in a lab receives information, it is only available to those with immediate access to it.

The information is not widely available. In order to disseminate information widely, machines and equipment are used in all types of offices. The common examples of such machines are typewriters, duplicators, photocopying and xerox machines. These labour saving devices are an integral part of any office. Therefore, it is important that you get familiar with them. Office mechanisation should be considered a must for all laboratories organisation and management. You may not have come across this term before. Office mechanisation is the process of introducing the use of machines and equipment in place of manual operation of office work with a view to increase efficiency and output, and reduce office cost. It is preferred mainly to improve quality and efficiency of work and ensure accuracy. Introduction of the latest devices in lab offices from time to time facilitates handling of information and its distribution effectively.


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Computer Engineering: information distribution the organization and
Reference No:- TGS0266144

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