
Information and computer science department ics431

Operating System Linux Assignment Project

Project Description:

The Magic Square puzzle uses a 3 × 3 grid in which each of the digits 1 to 9 are entered only once. The sum of each row, each column, and each diagonal is the same (15). This project consists of designing a multi threaded application that determines whether the solution is valid.

One suggested strategy is to create threads that check the following criteria:

  • A thread to check that the square contains the digits 1 through 9
  • Eight threads to check that sum of each row, column, or diagonal is 15.

The thread to check digits should complete before the sum threads.

Project Rules:

1. This is an individual project. You are expected to submit a unique implementation. Any similarity between submitted projects will result in a grade of zero to all respected students and may result  in hard consequences including University Dismissal.

2. The weight of this project is 5% of your total course grade.

3. You should submit a project that compiles and executes, otherwise you will be assigned a reduced grade.

4. Grading will consider proper documentation and meaningful variable names. The more readable your program is, the better grade you will score. Try to be as clear as possible, avoid redundancy and unneeded repetitions of written code.

5. Better organization of your code will lead to a better grade.

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Operating System: Information and computer science department ics431
Reference No:- TGS02283726

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