
Information and communication technologies

School Technology:

Paper instructions:

Complete this assignment as if you visited a middle school to observe the use of their  technology. Your task for this assignment is to determine the level of utilization of technology to support the instructional program of your school. Specifically,your information should specify the following:

1. Use of technology within individual classes; noting the level of ICT (information and communication technologies) literacy (e.g. Beginning, Proficient, Transformative…see ISTE standards rubric);

2. Integration of technology within and across the curriculum, again noting the level of ICT literacy;

3. Impact of technology on instructional pedagogy, again noting ICT literacy;

4. Results of technology integration related to student gains in learning and whether technology makes learning more relevant and engaging;

5. Magnitude of initial and ongoing staff development intended to achieve technological integration and student gains;

6. Use of technology systems to track/report administrative actions (e.g. Cam-pus Management, GradPro, etc)

As part of the assignment you will need to gather artifacts, such as the school or district’s technology plan (if one has been developed). Consider interviewing the principal, technology coordinator, or other knowledgeable employee. Ask probing questions, such as how is the use of technology encouraged, supported, and monitored? What types of data, if any, are utilized to report the impact of technology in/on student gains? What types of initial and ongoing staff development and technological support are provided to teachers as they incorporate technology in the classroom (curriculum and instruction)? What types of ongoing support can be forecasted? Who will provide this type of assistance? How will this type of assistance be funded?

Your final review should be in the form of a 10-12 page paper. You do not need to provide a critical analysis of the program, only an objective summary. Supplement your review with an overview of the artifacts you used to collect your information, such as district or school technology plan(s), Internet fair use policies, names of interviewees, etc. (e.g., a list of references).

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Other Subject: Information and communication technologies
Reference No:- TGS01436568

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