Need help with this home work! These are my preferred Inforamtion Systems: Inforamtion Systems: learning management systems, database management systems, and office information systems.
Create a UML class diagram for a class. You can choose any information systems application you like. Include the name of your class, the properties list including UML class diagram for a class. You can choose any information systems application you like. Include the name of your class, the properties list including variable type, and the methods list. In addition, briefly describe the role of your class in the broader system.
Below is an example of what is needed
Name of Class
List of information needed for the class
+ variable1: type
+ variable2: type
+ variable3: type
List of programmed processes or methods the class can implement
+ method1
+ method2
+ method3
+ name: string
+ ID: string
+ department: string
+ pay_rate: decimal
+ calculate_pay()
+ pay_rate_raise()
+ change_name()